Friday, January 6, 2012

Hermana Schwartz's second email, wherein she tells an elder she will eat his face.

Que pasa familia!!!

Here is my address: Sister Rachel Schwartz, MTC Mailboz #127, AZ-MESA 0306, 2005 N 900 E, Provo, UT, 84604-1793. But honestly using is way easier for them to write and send letters and it's gratis (free)=].

How are Maxie and Princess doing? I shared my talent as making hemp dog leashes in Spanish the other day, but I'm pretty sure I said something different because everyone gave me weird looks. How was the New Year? Did Mom cry because of me? Oh, could you por favor copy my patriarchal blessing and send it to me, I forgots it.

Where to start: my district is so precious. All the Elders are so different from one another and absolutely hilarious in their own quirky ways it slays me. We still don't have a teacher, which has kind of been cool because we get the substitutes absolute best pieces of knowledge. My little elders have a major man crush on Brother Painter, a teacher here which is hilarious because he actually is friends with Heidi Klomp, haha. Speaking of hilarity. I find myself being more and more amused by the simple things in life here at the MTC: my companion falling down 3 stairs (laughed my head off), changing the words to songs to have a gospel message in Spanish, Elder Mack calling a 4 ft nothing elder the Keebler elf, and various other pecularities. We have to do cleaning service (yes Ma, they force me to clean here) at like 6 in the morning on Tuesdays and so while we clean I told my companions to choose songs and I would throw down a beat. I don't know how to beat box, but by the end of these 10 weeks I promise you I will be off da chain, at least as off da chain as a sister can get. I have made many lovely friends here in the MTC, most of them are the advanced Spanish elders who "baptized" me into their district. We were playing volleyball the other day and Elder Pesantes always spikes the ball on my head when I'm at the net, however this time I completely owned him. Straight up. And then later on I accidently hit a ball in his face when I was trying to pass it to him. But they slay me! I have had some problems following an important and very basic rule here at the MTC: I find myself accidently inappropriately touching elders constantly. I don't even realize I do it until I get heckled. And I call them inappropriate names sometimes too. For example, we get to leave the prison walls of the MTC every Sunday to walk around the Provo Temple (literally cannot describe the liberation I felt. It was as if I had been freed from the bonds of slavery. Please note I am not equtating serving a mission with slavery, but I can assume it would be the same sentiments.) Anyhoo, on our walk, it was Fast Sunday and Elder Rushton in my district asked me how hungry I was and I said something along the lines of "So hungry I could eat your face." But in Spanish, that is super sexual and inappropriate, and I assume it;s not the best thing to say in english either. Anyways, that is an example of something that happens on a regular basis for me. But, that's me! Always a shocker;)

There are so major health issues here in the MTC. Just in my room alone, 2 hermanas have mono and one has been throwing up for the past week. I have heard of 3 sisters getting their gall-bladders taken out because of the fat in the food here (don't worry, I stay away from all processed foods), and another sister's gums have started receding. I don't know about the elders and infirmities but sisters are falling left and right. I'm a-okay and I'm pretty sure it's because I refused to get a flu shot. Voodoo. Elders always tell me that days here seem like weeks in the MTC, and it is so weird and true. It's the most psycho time warp ever. Each day feels like a week, and then the weeks just fly by. I don't even know what year or month it is. For NYE we celebrated with glo-in the dark bracelets and some chips and salsa and then went to bed at 10:30 sharp. Woot woot! Sorry if I make the MTC sound awful, it's really not at all and I am coming to more love it in this weird love/hate relationship I have with it currently.

This week I discovered something about myself: I am so dumb, fo real. I have no clue why I thought that going on a mission was going to be easy. I literally am so dumb, but I am so grateful for being humbled this past week. We had some amazing talks given in a mission conference on Sunday, but for me the message that stuck out the most was found in Psalms 115:19? i don't remember exactly but it said something along the line of: "And I planted my feet and turned the other way." Basically, the message was that this mission can change your life if you let it. You are freed from your past and you can start afresh and be the person you are meant to be. There is no one, nor nothing keeping you from reaching your full potential except yourself. I have been praying a lot lately about that. Who is it that I want to be? Who is it that I am meant to be? It has been so incredible how simple my prayers have been and how rich the blessings I have received from them. The Lord is helping me to change and soften my heart. He is helping me to remember the person I have been in the past and is helping me to realize the person that lies ahead of me. Dad, I am so grateful for your example of always being an hour early instead of 5 mins late. You were teaching me that time is important and is a way we show our love. I am on the Lord's time right now, and while it seems long or short or whatever, I am BEYOND grateful to be able to show Him my devoption my love for him through dedicating myself, consecrating my time and talents and showing Him I'm serious about this work. I hope to never waste a minute.

Let me know how life is going on the homefront. I love you all more than you know=]

Hna. Schwartz

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